Thinkwild Studios crafted a captivating motion graphic for Allianz Insurance, spotlighting the enduring friendship between Luz Long and Jesse Owens during a historic long jump event. Despite being a world record holder, Owens struggled to qualify for the finals. This narrative, enriched with sportsmanship and camaraderie, unfolds as Long, the silver medalist, aids Owens in achieving the crucial jump of 23 and a half feet to advance. Through this project, Thinkwild Studios and Allianz Insurance celebrate timeless values that resonate with audiences, enhancing brand storytelling with a blend of history and heartfelt connections.
Director: Carlos Gómez-Mira Sagrado
Producer: Rossana Giacomelli
Art Director: Paula Checa
Animation & Composition: Carlos Gómez-Mira Sagrado, Jose Guimaray